Generative Adversarial Networks for Image Synthesis and Transformation

 We're continuing our exploration of generative neural models with this presentation by Jan Kautz from Nvidia on 'Generative Adversarial Networks for Image Synthesis and Translation'.  This presentation is from November 2019.  It's a good overview of some of the different GAN approaches for generative synthesis we've recently been looking into.

I find the use of 'translation' to be confusing since it typically refers to an affine transformation, so the post is titled using our preferred 'Transformation' terminology.

We've got a GAN double header today.  Our second presentation is from DeepMind, and is a Deep Learning Lecture on the topic of 'Generative Adversarial Networks'.

Mihaela Rosca presents Part 1- 'Overview', and Part 2-' Evaluating GANs'.  Jeff Donahue then presents The GAN Zoo, which has a Part 3.1 on 'Image Synthesis with GANs: MNIST to ImageNet' , and a Part 3.2 on 'GANs for Representation Learning', and a Part 3.3 on 'GANs for Other Modalities and Problems'.

I found the second half of this presentation that runs through the whole GAN Zoo to be the most personally useful.  Jeff's presentation of the history of GAN development over time is really a great overview.  So feel free to skip ahead if some of the theory at the beginning that Mihaela is presenting is a little too abstract.


1:  BigGANs (Brock et al.) talks about issue with batch processing on image net.  If not all classes are in batch, GAN can forget about it during training?

2:  Low res to high res techniques (Laplacian GAN, Progressive GANs)

3: StyleGAN introduces control of the latent space

4.  BiGANs, BigBiGANs seems same as another technique we recently discussed (CycleGAN?).  Dual generators working in opposite direction, discriminator looks at both, but they never communicate

5.  Pix2Pix (paired examples) to CycleGAN (non-paired examples)(cycle consistency)

6.  GANs for Video Synthesis  TGAN-v2, DVD-GAN, TriVD-GAN   spatial vs temporal discriminators

7. Program Synthesis - SPIRAL - DeepMind, learns to draw rather than just build image

8: Learning to see - artist using GANs


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