HTC Education Series: Deep Learning with PyTorch Basics - Lesson 1
This is the second course in the HTC Education Series. It focuses on learning PyTorch and beginning Deep Learning. PyTorch is the HTC recommended base language to learn for programming deep learning neural nets (as opposed to using Keras and Tensorflow) . So we thought it would be good to put together a very basic beginners course on getting started with PyTorch programming. It's based on the course called 'Deep Learning with PyTorch: Zero to GANs'. There is a video lecture associated with each lesson. There is also an executable Jupyter notebook associated with each lesson. It is hosted on jovian. There are several different options for running your Jupyter notebooks, but we recommend using Colab. Jovian has it setup to make it very easy to do this. We will be working through the jovian course lessons in this HTC Education Series Course as they come out. A new lesson will be presented here each monday until the course is ...