Elon Musk's Neuralink Brain Interface Demo
This is a great talk / demo of Neuralink's implantable brain-machine interface. Elon Musk gives the initial overview talk (which is a great overview of neural computer interfaces in general), and then Neuralink engineers answer questions from the room and the web. The Neuralink interface currently is the size of a small coin, and a robot surgeon that Neuralink also manufactures inserts it into your scull. The robot also inserts the individual electrodes into the brain while monitoring that process to avoid puncturing any blood vessels while doing that. So for being such an invasive device, it's surprisingly non-invasive. The current generation of devices is shown working in a cute pig. Another cute pig who had the device in it's scull and then had it removed is also shown. Pigs seem happy and healthy. Neuralink is on fast track with the FDA to get this approved for use in humans. Otherwise pigs will be the ones talking to our A...